41 resources match your criteria.

Applied Research in Support of National Security

Provided by Applied Research Laboratories

Applied Research Laboratories is a University Affiliated Research Center operating under a Department of Defense management plan with oversight by the Naval Sea Systems Command. Applied Research Laboratories makes significant contributions in support of national security through fundamental research, innovative science, and applied engineering.

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HUB: Austin Technology Incubator

Provided by Austin Technology Incubator

The Austin Technology Incubator (ATI) is the deep technology incubator of UT Austin. We nurture startups founded around scientific and engineering breakthroughs, particularly in healthcare and sustainability. For over 30 years ATI has served UT faculty, researchers, and students at many stages in their entrepreneurship journey with programs including ATI membership, NSF I-Corps, Texas Global Health Security Innovation Consortium, TEX Venture Mentoring Service, and Student Associate experiences.

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Austin Technology Incubator Membership

Provided by Austin Technology Incubator

Membership in the Austin Technology Incubator is open to early-stage "deep tech" startups from inside and outside UT. By deep tech we mean scientific and engineering breakthroughs, particularly in healthcare and sustainability. Membership provides a uniquely customized experience including ongoing expert support, connections to capital, access to testing and prototyping labs, and in-depth student projects. Members usually join when they have working technology and are preparing to raise money.

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Center for Creative Entrepreneurship

Provided by College of Fine Arts

The Center for Creative Entrepreneurship (CCE) was formed to empower students in the cultural arts with the confidence, skillset and practice necessary to transform their passion and ideas into viable business opportunities. For too long creatives have missed out on learning the core fundamentals of building a sustainable business, or how to think entrepreneurially about their career. But the business of art has changed in the last decade, and requires the mindset that CCE empowers.

Learn More Email 214-558-2306

Center for Entertainment and Media Industries

Provided by Moody College of Communication

The Center for Entertainment & Media Industries provides opportunities for innovators and entrepreneurs interested in the media and tech industries. Our focus is on facilitating access to these industries, mapping their presence in Austin, and researching their convergence to assess and improve labor conditions and equity issues. In addition to speaker series that hone entrepreneurial skills and build professional networks, we support and promote research, outreach, and innovation projects.

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Convergent Incubator

Provided by Texas Convergent

The Convergent Incubator program connects founders with engineers, designers, and business analysts needed to take ventures to the next level. Founders work with a technical project manager, a designer, and a team of engineers to build, add features, and scale the product. In unison, our team of business analysts set founders up for success in raising capital. We partner with organizations like Genesis to streamline the process for funding.

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Cottrell Faculty Entrepreneurship Grant

Provided by The LaunchPad at UT Austin

Annual grant for one faculty member to explore an industry related to their area of research with the goal of discovering near-term commercialization opportunities. Over a 12-month period, the faculty member receives a $30,000+ grant to lead a team consisting of a graduate student, undergraduate researchers / market analysts, and paired with an Industry Guide to support their efforts.

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Dallas Morning News Journalism Innovation Endowment

Provided by School of Journalism and Media

Here at The Dallas Morning News Innovation Endowment, we are working toward innovating journalism with our students. This means creating podcasts, building bots and planning community events. These projects give students the work experience they both want and need to develop stellar careers.

Learn More Email 512-537-2748

EmpowHER Hours

Provided by The Kendra Scott Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute

The KS WEL Institute hosts monthly EmpowHER Hours for the UT community. EmpowHER hours help equip and empower our students through 1-hour presentations presented by UT Austin Alumnae. In the past, EmpowHER Hour topics ranged from Picking a Team, Interview Tips, Women in Consulting, Finding a Mentor, Investing Basics, Personal Branding, etc. You can sign up to attend EmpowHER Hours by visiting KS WEL Institute website!

Learn More Email 512-232-8087

Fabrication Studios

Provided by Texas Performing Arts; College of Fine Arts

The Texas Performing Arts Fabrication Studios are a fully staffed production facility and learning laboratory. We construct scenic elements, painted backdrops, theatrical properties, displays, and installations for funded projects. We co-design projects with UT faculty, staff, and student organizations and fabricate with our professional staff and paid student interns.

Learn More Email 512-471-0630