3 resources match your criteria.


Provided by Genesis

Genesis is a student-alumni partnership with over $1.8 million to distribute to student-founded companies through non-dilutive grants, along with the time and talent of our diverse and entrepreneurial leadership team. Genesis has helped founders develop their businesses, build their products, generate their first revenue, recruit cofounders and early employees, brainstorm ideas, and raise future funding from top investors. All students can apply for funding and mentorship.

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Texas Venture Labs Accelerator

Provided by Jon Brumley Texas Venture Labs

Founded in 2010, the Texas Venture Labs Accelerator is a zero-cost, zero equity program that connects Texas startups with multi-disciplinary graduate student teams. These students provide up to 200 hours of high impact business consulting each spring and fall semester. We accept applications from both early stage and growth stage startups who can clearly define meaningful projects to help accelerate growth and are committed to engaging with the student team.

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Texas Venture Mentoring Service

Provided by Austin Technology Incubator

Texas Venture Mentoring Service (TEXVMS) has assembled over 100 expert mentors to support startups in the many entrepreneurship programs at UT Austin. TEXVMS's intensive team mentoring methodology surrounds startups with diverse expertise tailored to each company's unique needs. Mentors provide practical, actionable advice with a focus on developing the entrepreneur. Startups with any UT Austin connection may apply: university IP, faculty/student founder, or participation in another UT program.

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